Improving Mental Health Through Sports: Part 4

Event Date: 
July 29, 2023 6:00 PM
2 hours
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KAMH recognizes the current lack of readily available medical resources for treating depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety in Kenya. However, there are effective nonmedical interventions that can alleviate symptoms and promote sustainable practices throughout one's lifetime.

For individuals with depression and anxiety, running has proven to be an effective means of symptom alleviation. Additionally, for those who have experienced trauma, interventions are needed to help transition from fight or flight mode to a mental state conducive to talk therapy. Through a series of webinars, KAMH aims to introduce the scientific basis for the value of sports in improving mental health disorders.

The Neurosequential Model-based NM-Sport emphasizes the core concepts of brain function, development, and the impact of developmental adversity. Kenya's cultural activities, such as running, dancing, and drumming, facilitate regulation through repetitive rhythmic activities. These interventions can be provided without being identified as mental health treatment, addressing the prevalent stigma surrounding mental illness. Furthermore, there is a specific need for mental health programs targeting boys and young men, and a sports approach involving running, soccer, martial arts, drumming, and dancing can be effective.

By leveraging the expertise of professionals like Dr. Carlian Dawson, Jennifer Brummet, LPC, Dr. Diedre Wade, and Emily Jenkins, J.D., KAMH aims to create accessible, sustainable, and stigma-free solutions to promote lifelong mental health and well-being.

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